Friday, September 19, 2014


I don't have much to report about today. Work was ridiculously busy, and I had no time to think about food or being hungry. 

Andrea and I had budgeted for soup and grilled cheese, but I was too tired to worry about soup. I made grilled cheese, ate, and then slept. Maybe if I'd have been awake I'd have been hungry again, but who knows... 

I don't feel like I'm being nourished well enough. I probably don't have the greatest diet, but I feel like it was well-rounded enough to provide me with the necessary protein, and vegetables. Fresh vegetables sure are conspicuously missing from our diet... and I miss them dearly. 

I think it's interesting that a distraction was necessary for me to not notice my hunger. What happens when hunger is my distraction? That's a reality for a lot of people. Work suffers, school suffers.. the emptiness in their stomach is all that's on their mind. 

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