Monday, September 15, 2014

Day One Experience: How Am I Already Hungry Again?

It is officially day one of the SNAP Challenge, and I must say, words cannot express how many times I felt hunger today. I thought to myself that this thing has only just begun.

I ate a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, a normal breakfast for me.  I was ready for my peanut butter and jelly sandwich by lunchtime.  I usually have a few additional items besides just a sandwich, but additional items did not fit in the budget for the week.

Again, I thought I was going to outsmart the process by saving my banana, that was intended for lunch, for an afternoon snack.  It was all good and dandy until 3:30pm rolled around and I was hungry again.

I had a hard time concentrating the last hour of work.  All I could think about was rushing home and making dinner. 

As I was making dinner, I was thinking about how much spaghetti to fix?  I am prone to making way too much pasta and having leftovers for a week and a half.  But, I was thinking about someone that had to be conscious of how much food they fixed for a meal to ensure they had enough to last them a few weeks or even the duration of the month. Something I never really gave too much thought to because I knew I could always go back out and buy more if need be.

I sat down for dinner and scarfed my meal of spaghetti, corn and a slice of wheat bread down in under 5 minutes. Unfortunately, I knew we didn’t have room in our SNAP budget for any snacks, so no late night ice cream or popcorn for this girl.

8:30pm rolled around and I was starting to feel hungry again.  You never really give much thought to how easy it is go grab a snack out of the pantry until you don’t have the funds to do so.  This experience has already been very eye opening.

I prepared Chris’ meal and made sure to prepare a larger portion – something I always tend to do.  He got home and wasn’t feeling that great, so he gave me some of his meal. To say I was ecstatic to be able to eat a little more before bed would be an understatement.

This is going to be a long week…..

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